
How would you guys feel about a one shot book of F1 drivers X different Y/n’s 
          	And by that I mean, male, trans, nonbinary, autistic and even more scenarios. 
          	No hate but I’m so sick of the character y/n became all those years ago- and as much as I love OC’s, it’s hard to read as someone else’s OC sometimes. 
          	I want to make Y/N inclusive again. 
          	Pls comment ideas/things you want 


How would you guys feel about a one shot book of F1 drivers X different Y/n’s 
          And by that I mean, male, trans, nonbinary, autistic and even more scenarios. 
          No hate but I’m so sick of the character y/n became all those years ago- and as much as I love OC’s, it’s hard to read as someone else’s OC sometimes. 
          I want to make Y/N inclusive again. 
          Pls comment ideas/things you want 


I can’t believe it. Yes it’s been 4 years, but it’s genuinely surreal. 
          5 years ago, I started watching F1. 4 years ago I was sat in my bed, reading F1 chat fics. 
          I was reading them, having a laugh and hoping that the authors would update. 
          So i decided to write my own. And i was so proud when 10 people read it. When I got my first comment. 
          When I made friends over formula one fanfiction! A group that still talk today. Thank you guys so much. 
          I used to be happy seeing my 500 veiws, and now we have 300 THOUSAND. Honestly, THANK YOU. 
          Being apart of a small community, where you see the same profiles in every comment section, writing the same base ideas and somehow all being unique? That’s amazing. To the point where jokes me and my friends made in our discord server end up being quoted in mine and other peoples comment sections. 
          “Random bird POV” “Toby’s POV” 
          “Charlie yes. Charlie no. Charlie maybe.? Charlie no. Charlie no..” 
          The kind of jokes added to these books are just things we’ve said, and now I can open up chat fics like I did 4 years ago, and see those jokes in comment sections. 
          How f^cking crazy! 
          I just want people to remember that they can write those silly ideas. That silly thought you get before bedtime, that you think would be a funny chapter. Write it. Write it and people will read it! It’s silly, it’s funny, we’re here to listen to your ideas! 
          You guys can always message me, to tell me your ideas, to write your own stories- if you just want a simple chat between formula 1 lovers. 


And I’m kinda back!! 
          I’ve written a short chapter, and I’ve posted it, but I’m here to answer any questions you may be thinking! 
          I love you guys so much. Honestly every time someone commented ‘will you update’ I opened my word doc, and wrote something. Sometimes that was a sentence, sometimes multiple paragraphs. But I’ve done it now. 
          •Will I keep updating my book? 
          However, it’s mainly going to be when the season is on. I’m also writing a LandOscar book, if you haven’t checked it out and you want to, please do! 
          It’s also on Ao3! 
          •Picking up on my story is hard, so I might start a new book. It’s got something like 57 chapters- written from 2021(?) to 2025 now. I can’t remember what i’ve put in here anymore! 
          The new book will be a direct continuation of my current one, but from the 2025 season onwards. Since mine is covering 2021 to 2024, it gets confusing. 
          •When will ou write? 
          During the season. Yes I’m still a lestappen, carlando, LandOscar and yukierre fanatic, so be ready!! 
          •Why have I not been writing? 
          Don’t worry, I never stopped being an F1 fan, but I’ve been generally busy with my health. 
          I’m autistic, and a lot of my writing comes from my hyperfixations- and when I’m not actively loosing my mind over Formula one, my writing isn’t as good. 
          Funnily enough, im also dyslexic so writing takes a while, proofreading and writing things in the first place is a little bit of a struggle. 
          I’ve been more focused on my Ehlers-Danlos, which if you have I’m sure you understand is practically a full time commitment on its own.  


@CharlieDaGoose i'm glad you're back! i can't wait for more updates!


⭐️Second chapter of my LandOscar, Taylor Swift inspired book has just been published!⭐️
          The next chapter, I don’t know when it will be out, but it will most likely be based on the song ‘New Romantics’ and it will be pretty much all fluff!  
          Thank you guys so much, and I hope you have a good day/night 


For my story Bejewled, how long do you guys want chapters? 
          The first chapter is 7.4k words, how long do you want the second? 
          1.  3-4k words 
          2.  4-5k words 
          3.  5-6k words 
          4.  6-7k words 
          5.  7-8k words 
          6.  Longer than 8k words 
          I love all of you guys so much, and feedback really helps me improve my writing  


Maybe 7-8k? I loved the first chapter 


Hmm... Maybe 7-8k? The First Chapter Was Awesome To Read, Btw!


@CharlieDaGoose personally, I like reading long-ish chapters, so I think between 7-8k


I’m currently writing a couple of things at once- for the fans of my book ‘Bejewled’, your lucky because a second chapter is in production ☺️
          A Lestappen book may also be around the corner