
So class has started and as you may know I'm a history major, which means I have a lot of readings starting to come in as well as assignments. I've also had writer's block lately (which sucks) so I have mainly been posting old poems to Poetry, Pen Set To Paper. Thank you for your patience and I'm sorry about the lack of progress on Crestfallen Lane.


So class has started and as you may know I'm a history major, which means I have a lot of readings starting to come in as well as assignments. I've also had writer's block lately (which sucks) so I have mainly been posting old poems to Poetry, Pen Set To Paper. Thank you for your patience and I'm sorry about the lack of progress on Crestfallen Lane.


I've revised and edited Crestfallen Lane. It's been condensed into three long chapters versus the previous seven short ones. What would have been chapter 8 is now the ending part of chapter 3. However you wish to read/reread it, I at least suggest reading the full length of chapter 3. Thanks to @HopeClark1 for all the help.
           - <3 Charlotte Higgins


@CharlotteHiggins6 No prob! It was fun working with you!


    Just published chapter 6 of Crestfallen Lane guys! A new character who is an old friend and more secrets. Renews is good at keeping secrets, but is the new generation of Crestfallen? 
              I'd also like to announce that my Poetry Collection will include short stories as well. I'm working on the first short story titled Hog Wash. I look forward to publishing that in the near future. 
            - ❤ Charlotte Higgins