
Also Happy Birthday Alexander Hamilton!!!!!!


Currently in a lockdown drill and it keeps saying “Security Alert”, my BF keeps saying “If it we’re a lock down drill it would be saying ‘security alert’.” 
          I think he is on drugs, I keep telling him “No duh”- he put a air head in my lap...
          Welp- TiME To GO NuTZ!! SuGAr HIgH!!!!!!!
          What do you guys do during drills? Or am I the only weird one who does stupid $hit during these things?


And my teacher just got bonuses in Mario Cart, wtf is my school and the people in it?


Was wondering about my stuff and I went to eliche gardens for the First time and this was a school field trip and it was awesome I got to hang out with my friends and we took a photo with funny hats I decided to make a drawing of that photo. Let me know if you want to see the original photo if I get enough likes or comments on it I think I’ll do that but for the time being here is the actual drawing that I made so you can see if you could point me out let me know if you want to see the original photo if I get enough likes or comments on it I think I’ll do that but for the time being here is the actual drawing that I made so you can see if you could point me out...... 
          Well see y’all later!


Btw photo is on fist A/N for my story of “The King... and Yuri”


Hi, I have a tictoc account. I mean- I had one, but it was a little shite and I can’t get back into it. So, I made a new one for you lovely people. If your dedicated you can find me. Alright here’s the chapter. 14 days of school left!
          Also, I went through something really difficult on April 30th this year. I had to go to the hospital you see, because I had tried to... take my own life. I was in a very dark place, at the time and well. Looking at all of these comments makes me feel better. Thank you all! You are giving me joy, something I take very seriously. So thank you.


@Charlotte_Potter12 no, thank YOU for providing us with awesome stories. You're amazing. And if there was some way I could jump through my phone and give you a big hug and a bajillion cookies and tell you that everything will be alright, I would. Glad you're doing better, though ❤