So you may have noticed the lack of new Horsemen chapters coming out. Because of recent negotiations, I have diverted my attention to progressing "Forced Obsession," another book which I am writing. I have found this book to gain more support from some of my friends than the Horsemen which is why I have decided to take a small break from the Horsemen series for now.
The Horsemen is not discontinued however. Until a certain amount of progress made by a fellow writer who is the author of the TCRC series is made or if I have made enough progress on Forced Obsession, I will resume writing The Horsemen:Himawari's Arrival.
Don't expect any more chapters from Himawari's Arrival so soon. Sorry for any Horsemen fans, but my decision to pursue Forced Obsession is that of a personal one.
Sorry! I hope this clears some stuff up!