What is true love? An ethereal presence in the literary world. Hii! I am Charul, a mystic and a true lover who weaves a tapestry of words that reflect a profound connection to the natural realm. With an intuitive understanding of the delicate balance between humanity and the environment, my writings resonate with spiritual clarity and poetic grace. 

Each work invites readers to explore the deeper dimensions of existence, encouraging them to embrace the wisdom of the Earth, true love, and the subtle energies that permeate all life. Two years ago, I searched for true love, and it illuminated the world's beauty and inspired a transformative journey toward inner peace and enlightenment.

My writings may vary from intricate poems to short novellas; from fantasy to passionate romance. I hope you enjoy them.
  • India
  • انضمOctober 12, 2021


الرسالة الأخيرة
Charulg Charulg Dec 31, 2024 05:35PM
Hii! I am publishing my first short Romance-mystical book "The One".  I hope you enjoy reading it.
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم Charul Gurjar
The One بقلم Charulg
The One
It is said that there is no separation in true love. There are no two but just THE ONE. Suhani searched for t...
ranking #78 في romanticstory إظهار جميع المراتِب
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