So, if we were to assume that Uttara Kanda is real, here the question that I have. Why did Sita not protest about Rama leaving her in Maharishi Valmiki's ashrama when people started gossiping??
After Lakshmana tells her that due to apavaada, Rama has asked him to leave her at the ashrama of Maharishi Valmiki who will take care of her. Sita first faints. Lakshama waits for her to wake up again and when she does, she first wonders what wrong she has done to receive this punishment in her fate. Then she says that Lakshamana should do as ordered and sends him away with a message saying, "I offer my respect to my mother-in-laws with deep reverence. (To Rama) Bowing my head to you I hope you receive happiness and greatness. Always treat others (subjects) the way you treat your brothers. This is your param dharma and it will bring you great honor. I am not worried about myself. Just that the blame is being put on me by the people."
Like I wonder why that Sita, who was so outspoken about retorting Rama when he wanted to leave her in Ayodhya and during agnipravesh, simply moves on by telling Rama to take care of the subjects as he cares for his brothers. It's rather unusual to think of Sita as some meek woman who cowers in fear of her husband. Even when Sita is totally depressed, she had the quality of courage. She didn't cower in fear even when threatened by Ravana then why she gave up the fight before Rama??? Either Sita understood Rama had no other option or she chose to stop fighting anymore. The latter cannot be the case because even in the worst situations, she stands up and fights for what is right. When she had the option to escape Lanka with Hanuman, she refused and told Hanuman to tell Rama that he should come immediately, destroy Ravana, and take her with him. So, if in the state of depression where she almost wanted to give up her life, she still had the courage to ask for the right thing, why didn't she do it when Rama had to leave her at the Ashrama?