
Hello! Very sorry for disappearing for so long, uni and work have taken a lot of my free time away along with personal issues but the next chapter of sex over emotions is in the work!
          	Hope everyone is doing well^^


for your taeten  story  you should add tags so people can find your story more easily 


@ rooneeee  yah he's 100 at taeten now but not for long 


@rooneeee Thank you for the feedback and advice. I actually have the taeten tag on it, I put as many tags on the story as was allowed and I maxed it out lol even though I wanted to put more but thank you^^


@ rooneeee  at least #taeten 


i really enjoyed reading your story sex over emotions can't wait for the next chapter  


@allnightlo Thank you so much for your feedback, it means a lot to me that people enjoy the story and I'm glad you liked it. Hope the next chapter won't disappoint you and will like it as well^^


@allnightlo Thank you so much for your feedback. I'm happy that you enjoyed it a lot, it means a lot to me that people who read find it nice. Hope you will like the following chapter as well^^


@Tyreeqwee Thank you so much! It means a lot to me, really, hope they enjoy(ed) it as well!^^ Thank you for your feedback and appreciation <3 I hope I can publish good and better chapter in the future^^


@Tyreeqwee hi! Im doing the last editing on the ending as Im not fully satisfied with it. Sorry that it took so long, exam season was a little tough but the chapter is almost done^^if not tomorrow then in the weekend it will be published. I apologize to keep you waiting, thank you for your patience<3


Sorry for the lack of updates, online school assignments got the best of me and my matura exams are almost here. The last two weeks were stressful as we didn't know anything about the exams if they were going to be canceled or not, and now they are not so I really need to focus on them.
          The new chapter is in progress tho, half of it is done.
          I'm really sorry.<3