
Dude you're so awesome for reading, I hope you're enjoying so far!! Please tell me if you have any thoughts or suggestions.


Thank you! And you're not wrong, I get so freaking verbose ahahaha. I'll definitely be taking that into consideration when I'm done and revising!


@Owelz_The_Only Of course! It’s a really cool book!! 
            The only suggestion I might have is maybe cutting some of the imagery- it’s beautiful, but sometimes in the heat of an argument or a fight, an extensive description can slow it down a bit. But of course, I’m only an amateur, so maybe my advice isn’t the best... 


HELLO FRIEND YOU NEED TO UPDATE HAHAHAhahaha............... yeah ok just Do It, My Friend, before I Get Crazy and take over The World hehehe anyway I'm glad you actually know me that got weird 


Heheheh... I need time first
            Plus I keep reading it when I do try to write and being like oh my this is so stupid why can't I be amazing like dragonswirl