I'm a 21 year old stay at home mom of one. I love to write although I've started a few stories and not gone anywhere with them although I still plan too. maybe I'll actually finish one and publish it who knows
  • انضمApril 11, 2013

قصص بقلم Cheyenne Lofton
The last hope of Eldrida بقلم CheyenneLofton
The last hope of Eldrida
What to do with this bit of randomness. Read to find out.
The war of elves(title may be changed) بقلم CheyenneLofton
The war of elves(title may be chan...
The human world and the world of faeries have combined. Canceling out almost all human technology except for...
Chosen, unwanted, alone بقلم CheyenneLofton
Chosen, unwanted, alone
As I sat in the grove, thinking and remembering, a ray of moonlight shined down on me. Then I heard the most...
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