
Hey y’all belated Merry Christmas if you celebrate. I’ve been MIA for a bit because I’m re-writing Tear In My Heart in hopes of getting it published so all of my free time has been going towards that. I’m also in my final semester of college so that’s been really crazy, but I just wanted to keep yall updated. Hopefully when I’m done with the rewrite I can finish WIMH so I can be done with the “In My Heart” series. But yeah but wanted to update yall. Love yall and I’ll see you soon! 


@ChicagoDreams tear in my heart deserves to be published loved the book and I loved break in my heart more wishing you all the best.


@ChicagoDreams  I really hope you get published! That would be amazing to see. Always remember that we're all here for ya. Merry Christmas  :) <3


@ChicagoDreams Tear In My Heart is one of my favorite books. I hope all goes exceedingly well with your re-writing and you get it published. It definitely deserves that.


Hey y’all belated Merry Christmas if you celebrate. I’ve been MIA for a bit because I’m re-writing Tear In My Heart in hopes of getting it published so all of my free time has been going towards that. I’m also in my final semester of college so that’s been really crazy, but I just wanted to keep yall updated. Hopefully when I’m done with the rewrite I can finish WIMH so I can be done with the “In My Heart” series. But yeah but wanted to update yall. Love yall and I’ll see you soon! 


@ChicagoDreams tear in my heart deserves to be published loved the book and I loved break in my heart more wishing you all the best.


@ChicagoDreams  I really hope you get published! That would be amazing to see. Always remember that we're all here for ya. Merry Christmas  :) <3


@ChicagoDreams Tear In My Heart is one of my favorite books. I hope all goes exceedingly well with your re-writing and you get it published. It definitely deserves that.


Hey your book about River is being promoted on Facebook and is on other apps that steals books from authors on Wattpad and Kindle. They charge readers outrageous fees to read and don’t pay authors. 
          Here’s the ad link:
          Here’s the book link:
          Wattpad should assist with sending them a. dCMA and you should report them to fb and to the App Store. 


I hope you know that I read what if it’s us after reading the Tear and Break books and I was so incredibly disappointed. I have to say you are probably my favorite LGBT author right now. What if it’s for me is a Goodreads three star at most and this would be 4 to 5 stars easy. I had to reread this directly after what if it’s us because I was so sad about it.


Hey yall, I know I disappeared for a bit so here’s a life update as to why:
          1. College is no joke. In pursing the physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing major I chose, although I love it, I had lost all motivation to create and that’s something I’m still dealing with
          2. I was diagnosed with a life changing medical a diagnosis that further discouraged me and made it hard for me to do my regular day to day activities, let alone write. But I’ve learned to live with it and I’m luckily on the mend
          3. I’ve dealt with and had to come to term with some rather traumatic instances in my life and writing felt more like a chore than a release. 
          However, I say all that to say that I’m working on slowly making my way back onto this platform so I can continue writing for yall. Although I had lost my motivation for writing new stories, I have been working on rewriting “Tear In My Heart” so that it’s suitable for publishers. I’m almost done with my first pass and then I’ll move on to my second pass so I can get it into the laps of publishers and the hands of those of yall who want to read it. 
          As always, thank you for your patience and thank you for 20K followers. I appreciate each and every one of you and although I can’t guarantee when I’ll be back, please believe me when I tell you I have more stories to tell. I’m just waiting for the right opportunity and time to tell them. 
          Love y’all — Jordan :)
          PS if I were to publish TIMH how many of yall would buy it? 


@ ChicagoDreams  sending all the love to you ❤️


@ChicagoDreams TIMH is one of the first stories I've read here and definitely one of my favorites, I'd for sure buy it!! Sending love<333


@ChicagoDreams sending you love and I'd definitely buy TIMH


I love you sm. My first Waatpad book was tear in my heart and it was an eye opening story k
          Ive read tear in my heart and break in my heart like 3 times over and over. I'm waiting (no pressure) for the masterpiece of write in my heart so I. An binge the whole series with my twin sister @chubbyduck66 so we can have a girls day and read our favorite and first Waatpad author we followed and read a book from.