
Please read Karma for all Grey's Anatomy and Addek fans!


Hy thank you so much for ur follow
          I just ask you wich story of yours you advise me to read first
          Have a nice day


Hey. Thanks also for following. If you’d like you can read Christmas or Destined. My stories are not completed, though. ;) Have a great day!!


Hi there! Thanks for following me back. I enjoy your work, your style of writting is extraordinary! It really draw my emotion reading the story. 
          But I'm curious about one thing, why did you never finish your story? Is there any particular reason? To be honest I would very much appreciate if you finish them, especially Hindsight, this story is amazing. But if you don't want to, it's also fine  I still enjoy your work and currently in progress of finishing your whole work, eventhough I know I should prepare myself for another cliffhanger haha. Good work! I hope you are fine and keep writting!!! ❤❤


Hey! You’re welcome! Thank you so much for reading my work. I’m so glad you enjoyed and that you liked my way of writing.  It truly means a lot.
            Honestly, I really do want to finish my stories. There isn’t a particular reason, I just don’t have much time these days. I’m sorry for the eventual cliffhangers. And yes, you should prepare yourself for more.  I will try my best and I hope to at least post a chapter of Hindsight some time in 2020. Haha! Thank you once again and also for your encouragement. ❤️


so yeah, I saw your profile and I thought 'so, I'm not the only one that has an insane love for Addison? good' seriously, i really thought i was the only one. would it bother you if i ivited you to read my addek one-shot ? It's called "Unsaid".
          thank you, 


Haha!!! Of course, sure, I will. I thought I was the only one too. There aren’t much fans of Addison here or Addek as well, it’s sad because she is and they are my fave!! Oh, and if you want, you could read some of my Addek works too!! Thanks!! ❣