
I've just realized that I became Kpop trash (;-;) .


@dltpdms0821 Haha sure! XD About the fanfic part tho'... I'm not so sure yet..... (_ _;) BUT! I will try. (P.S. I think my mom's starting to get into BB cause she's been watching their videos now X3 . She's only been attracted to GD so far tho... mainly because he looks like Jimin [=w=])


@yuukisterre2 Soon, but I still don't know exactly when. I'm also part of the school paper you see, so still I have to write out a couple of articles for our next publishing. It's gonna take quite a whileto finish them, so it might take me some time to update MotP. But don't worry! I don't plan on abandoning it ever :)