
Hey guys! It's been a while. Sorry for not updating and to those who are asking I'm fine :) just a bit tired. 
          	I will unpublish some of my stories. Some will be rewritten. Some will be discontinued. Sorry I just really feel like some stories were all over the place and I lost the inspiration to continue them. That's all and have a good day! :) 


@Child0fYanshi hope you'll be back soon :D


@Child0fYanshi It´s fine, I´m also currently tired so I totally understand you and it´s also good to hear of you again.


@Arisu1985  :) Arigato Arisu-chan.


Dear writer, despite the fact that you have been gone for about three years, I still want to leave my appreciation for your works here. You inspired me to start writing YanShi myself <3. I have read your works many times and I think that this was the best fanfiction I have ever read. I hope you will come back to Wattpad sometime. Now I can only recommend visitors here to read your works. ^^


@ oO_Cornflower_Oo and she is the reason why i found u now and goona read your yanshi story's ❤️


See look at all these people that think your a great writer. So now you cant say it's just me cause I gotcha crush on you you made people actually cry, and others that have fallen in love with your writting. And others like me that are starting to fall for you without ever meetting, see the power of your get your beautiful butt back to your desk and continue your stories, or there will be a lot of dissapointed people out here not just me. You cant let all your fans down can you???


Please help me please i want to find the sequel of ice fantasy bounded i request you many times you didnt reply also you said Its intertwined but Its not there sooo i Beg you please tell the 2nd karte of the story"ice fantasy bounded"