"In your life there comes a time when order seems an imagination. All around you is chaos, disorder and confusion. All inside you is destruction, mess and demolition. Life is but a ruin of what it used to be.

But remember, the best of art pieces come from the cradle of ruin."
  • India
  • InscritMarch 12, 2016

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ChocoRiz ChocoRiz Jun 16, 2017 10:46AM
She came in like a breeze, swaying everything her way.She loved like a storm, raging, pulsating and alive.But, she left like air, no one knew she was gone until it was too late.
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Histoires par ChocoRiz
Inked par ChocoRiz
"There is a beauty in incomplete stories, that can be seen by only those who have lived them" Some...
ranking #86 dans la catégorie inked Voir tous les classements
#Shipping Mazza par ChocoRiz
#Shipping Mazza
Cover credits- @s_huddar Thank you so much for helping me! _____________ "I don't think you can really d...
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Her last Letters par ChocoRiz
Her last Letters
Last words. What exactly are they? Are they the secrets one wanted to reveal? Are they the apologies one nev...
ranking #5 dans la catégorie ctc Voir tous les classements
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