
Hi followers and readers. I am sorry. Sorry for having you wait and wait and wait forevrr and not get any updates. Sorry for leaving you all hungry fans at the edge of a cliff hanger. But, I am afraid I bit off more than I can chew this semester. Because I failed a module last sem, I tried to make up by extending my limit. As a result I am just so bugged down by information overload and also studying. I would like to thank you all for waiting patiently and still voting and keeping my work in the library. I will try my best to update bittersweet should I find whatever scarce time I can (These days I don't even have time on the transport, either catching up on sleep or studying). I want to say I am sorry again, because I prioritised my boyfriend over you all. All my free time goes to being with him these days as our schedules hardly match...
          	I guess this is a little too much like a rant cum excuse ladden post so I'll stop now. Thank you for your patience and continued support 


@thedynastyhan The wait is over? For now at least...


Hi followers and readers. I am sorry. Sorry for having you wait and wait and wait forevrr and not get any updates. Sorry for leaving you all hungry fans at the edge of a cliff hanger. But, I am afraid I bit off more than I can chew this semester. Because I failed a module last sem, I tried to make up by extending my limit. As a result I am just so bugged down by information overload and also studying. I would like to thank you all for waiting patiently and still voting and keeping my work in the library. I will try my best to update bittersweet should I find whatever scarce time I can (These days I don't even have time on the transport, either catching up on sleep or studying). I want to say I am sorry again, because I prioritised my boyfriend over you all. All my free time goes to being with him these days as our schedules hardly match...
          I guess this is a little too much like a rant cum excuse ladden post so I'll stop now. Thank you for your patience and continued support 


@thedynastyhan The wait is over? For now at least...


You. I want to hug you!! Like really lol might sound a little creepy but yeah, sorry. 
          Just wanted to say that your stories are aaaaamazing and I love them all <3 
          And I love the fact that you are gay and using it to write about. And the fact that you have no shame of saying you are, cuz even tho I live in Brazil, people still suffer a lot for being gay and sometimes I think that we are regressing instead of making some progress about it :( 
          Anyway, it got kinda serious huh? Haha I wish you good luck on university as I know how hard it is, being a college student myself. 
          So to end, just wanted to let you know that there are people who love what you do and that are greatly thankful for that! :D (and sorry about this gigantic ranting text)


@camiloxfric Thanks for your excitement of #bittersweet and me. It's not a giagantic ranting text and it warms my heart there are people like you out there to support us. Thank you and continue to support the community. I hope you enjoyed BitterSweet and Last of Us: Aaron


Hi all readers and followers. i just wanted you to know that I'm now done with my prelims but I still have my finals ckming up so I have decided to put writing this novel on hold. for now, BitterSweet will be on hiatus till after May 15. I hope you will still continue to support BitterSweet when I continue to write again, and I am sorry if I dashed some of your hopes for a new chapter somewhere these few weeks. On the brighter side, I am almost completing a chapter so I'll release that as soon as I am done with it.


Hi readers and followers. I'm halfway through my exams and I'm glad to announce that I have survived so far and I am actually doing better than I expected (I hope). Also, I am almost finishing up my national service obligations for this year. 
          So in other words, I'll be ready to start writing again as soon as next week! I'm excited! And I hope you are too! Cheers! Oh, and by the way, Happy Chinese New Year to all who are celebrating the lunar new year festival. :)


Yay the views almost reach 7K only 200 more to go haha :D


@Clare-voiyant hahaha it's okay i'm just kidding though :D, I don't want my family caught me reading the novel with the drawing of two boys doing some naughty pose, like you said it will be a weird situation and I'll be dead for sure haha :)
            Btw good luck on your exam, I hope you're doing well :)


@thedynastyhan Alright. But there wont be anymore classes till the next semester. I'll see to drawing more of them together. Not sure about the naughty poses though. Definitely wouldn't want a weird situation where my family member finds that drawing and don't know what to think abt it.


@Clare-voiyant Don't get sneaky in class too often okay, you have exam coming up right? haha And thank you so much for drawing those cute couples, I really love it :) Hope to see more drawing of Samson and Charles in the future (maybe with a little naughty pose >.<) haha


I have a fantastic surprise for you all in my next BitterSweet update! I'm not sure if I can complete it in time though so I'll just post it when there is 7k reads. Don't worry, I'll still post the chapter as soon as it is done, but I will not be posting the surprise until bittersweet gets 7k views(that way I'll still have time to prepare the surprise). >.< So, please vote, read and maybe even re-read the novel. If you like it and have friends or family that may like it as well, please do share this novel with them. :) Thanks. I hope you look forward to the surprise!


@thedynastyhan It's not really a BIG surprise but I'm sure you'll certainly like it. Sure, I'm really studying hard these days taking occasional breaks to write the novel and keep my bf company. But yeah, thanks for re-reading the novel. The faster it gets to 7k then the faster I'll post the surprise. :) Just don't re-read it like a hundred times if not I'll have to rush it fast. Hahas.


@Clare-voiyant Is it gonna be a BIG surprise? haha I really can't wait for the next chapter, also the part of story when Charles and Samson being lovey-dovey Xp...but just focus on your studies first and good luck ^^
            I just gonna re-read all the chapter again while waiting the next chap, so it will reach 7k faster haha :)


I don't know what has gotten into me. I just found out your novel yesterday, start reading it, and now my butt is stick to the chair. I really can't stop reading it, and now I ended up finishing 34 chap of u'r novel less than 2 days hahaha
          Thank you for writing such an awesome stories. :)


@Clare-voiyant U'r welcome :) Of course I will wait, I still can't get enough of u'r novel and I'm really curious to what happened next hahaha
            I get a little pervy at some part of u'r novel XD


@dynastyhanofficial I'm really glad you liked the novel so much that you binged read it. Thanks for the kind words. :) I'm going to continue this novel but the updates will be weekly at best. it's kind of a busy period for me. Stay tuned for the next chapter soon.


OMG! #BitterSweet has reached 2.2k views and 200 favs! Thanks so much for the support. I just opened the app in sch and was bombarded with 50 plus notifications. Thanks for the likes and taking your time to read my novel. I would like to gove special thanks to @AltairdeDios, @cheejicake, @Atetteh1, @jonelfrancisco22, and @kyhfan14 for your continuous support and comments and many others whom I do not know of. Thank you again for your support. I'll be writing a chapter one the way back home in the train so look out for it in a few hours. Cheers. I'm so happy~


@Clare-voiyant Aw no problem~~ I will continue to support it!! :))


@kyhfan14 Wow...'deary'. I have a bf alrd. :P Thanks for the support anyways.


@AltairdeDios No problem. Thanks for the advice and kind comments. I will keep up the good work! ^_^