So I'm having a writers block on my Snamione story. I'm not sure at the plan that Kingsley is supposed to have. That's the whole reason why I haven't uploaded a chapter yet. So, give me a little time to think of an actual plan.
@Sakurapotter222 I'm trying to think of a new story to do as well as finish up this one. I'm just taking a break and working on whatever comes at the moment, but I havent forgotten it.
@Sakurapotter222 Its Headmaster's Secret. I've been on it for a few months now, but I'm at a writers block with it. Its getting political and I'm not that great with politics.
Hey @codabridgewater I am hoping someone will give me a story about Olivia getting involved in a car accident with Noah after leaving the shops and then someone driving a truck hits the driver’s side and making the car flip over and over until it lands in a ditch and then someone calls for help and the firefighters gets called to the scenes were they find Olivia and baby noah unconscious. Olivia suffers a severe seizure which leads to her being diagnosed with traumatic brain injury while noah is in a critical condition and Elliot is being comforted by his friends from the svu after hearing the news
@deluca_bishop_family im not sure. I've never done a story past season 12. Maybe. I will keep it on the backburner and think about it while im finishing Jealous Rage
So I've been gone a moment, but I'm back and am trying to plan my next fanfiction of Bensler. Would you all like me to post on A03 as well? Just got on there and may try a story or two on there. Not sure, but I'm thinking of what story i could do on Bensler now. Let me know if you all have a specific idea.