
this message may be offensive
sorry guys i'm homestuck trash and my next fics are probably going to be homestuck shit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I know you said you weren't going to update your book anymore, but I wanted to let you know that it is very good and I wish you were going to finish. I know some people might be mad, but you shouldn't let that stop you from finishing your book that you worked so hard on. So if you do decide to finish that would be awesome, but if you don't want to it is ok. I just think even more people will enjoy it if you do decide to finish.


I hope your account is still active.


Lakely has dirty blond hair and cristil blue eyes she is shy and loves vidoegames and love the woods she wore pink most of the time and blue on the rest that's most that I can remember of her. 


okay, thank you c: Do you remember what she was like? Was she bubbly, was she kind of distant? anything like that