As many may know Michael Brown was shot and killed earlier this year. This is not the first incident in which an unarmed black member of society has been shot and killed and sadly it will not be the last. And I personally have no idea what your family must be feeling and I am not going to lie and say I do. It shouldn't matter whether or not the officer who shot the bullet was white and sadly your son who was on the receiving end of that bullet was black, for the police officer to be able to walk away with no charges and no consequences to his actions and with a supposed clear conscience where is the equality so many people preach about?
Where is the justice that should be served during a time like this?
We are all human and underneath the clothes we wear and the colour of our skin we are the same.
Where is the peace that our world so desperately seek but cannot seem to find?
R.I.P Michael Brown and my heart goes out to the family and all of those affected by this horrible tragedy.