
R.I.P Connor Andrew Smith </3 ~9/1/12~ we miss you so much v.v why'd you have to leave so soon? /: Please come back v.v ~Hayley


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Its been a month....and it fucking feels like a lifetime....i miss you so much Connor:'c so much.You were an amazin boyfriend and you had such a big heart<3 I wish it wouldnt have ended like this... Im sorry i yelled at you...sorry i was a bad girlfriend...Im just so sorry:'c and im sorry for about to do...ill see you in a few connor...hopefully...


3 weeks.. Feels like forever /: I miss you Connor. I miss everyone they were all taken away from me. v.v and Connor did you meet Justin yet? :3 I hope you like him because that's my husband I don't want anyone but him. c: he's amazing and I love him more then anything and anyone<3 give him a hug for me? I would say give him a kiss but that'd be creepy and you don't want to get me jealous D: all hell will break lose literally cx you've seen be on my darkest and happiest days you listen to me rant about live and.. Love e.o which I don't mind love anymore it's the falling part I don't like >.> but I won't have to worry about falling in love because I already fell for an Angel and he's gorguoes <3 and he's the best father in the world. :3 okay so I'm talking more about Justin then you. D: and I'm oh so very sorry about that but he's all I can think of nowadays. :p anywho how is it up there with the big man? Have any parties? I hope not >.< you gotta wait for me mister .-. Cuz the party don't start till I walk in (I didn't just go all Ke$ha on you! o:) aha x3 I'm retarded I know but you gotta love me >.> remember that time you were sleeping and me, lullaby and Alexandria (Nevaeh) all put make up on you and painted your nails AND colored your hair rainbow :'D I will never forget that cx you debt even realize till we went to the store ad people were giving you weird looks and little kids laughing at you then you finally went in the bathroom and we could hear you screaming and the water running then about 10 minutes later you came out with no make up on and wearing a hat (I still don't know where you got that hat e.o) and went to the salon and got your hair Bleached since you didn't want brown or black anymore anyways this Is getting way to long and I'm tired and im in school right now so I better go =P I love you Connor<3 you betterr be Savin me a spot up there c: 


2 Weeks Today Connor . Please Just Wake Up Already Please Let This Be A Lie.I Wanna Feel Your Hugs All Over Again. I Dont Want You To Let Go *sigh* When I Was With You It Was Perfect.<|3 How Could You Have Left So Soon.Remeber Our Song. I Was Born To Tell You I Love You <3 You Always Told Me That ..You Were Perfect In My Eyes Connor i Need You So Bad Right Now <|3 Things Have Chnaged Not A Good Way....Please Come Back Babyboy.<|3


Hey Connor v.v
          It's been a week..
          I don't know how to feel anymore.. It doesn't feel real please tell me this is just a nightmare and I'll wake up with you and everyone sitting by my hospital bed with the goofest smiles on your faces:3 god I miss those days Connor v.v I miss when we'd all hang out and have movie nights at Crissy's.. I miss you and everyone else.. Why'd you all have to leave so soon? Couldn't you have stayed longer? I'm still watching all these videos of us and I'm still looking at pictures of you guys when you were small and reading all your letters v.v I have maybe around 100 letters from everyone /: I've read every single one 1,000 times not wanting to believe your really gone... *signs* Connor? Can you, Crissy, Anna, Toby, Jorden, Max, Lizzy, Zach and Suzy come home please? I miss you guys so much.. Please save me a spot up there? I promise I won't do suicide but I will see you soon.. 
          See you later Connor</3 tell Alex his babygirl is coming home<3


i know this is late v.v i couldnt find words to say though. alot is going on right now and really wish you were here baby. v.v i wrote you a letter (Dedicated to you) ill see you soon though v.v i know you wouldnt want me to do this...but its the only way to escape this world of pain and too be with you. Take care of Isiah til i get there.... RIP my love <3 i will never forget you.


Connor its been 1 week now </3 
          *sigh* its been 2 weeks with Dean Now :T you would Like Him ik you would I Mean hes just Incredible <3 hehe you would probably be going crazy over him :p Is heaven cool.? better not cause trouble Baby boy ^-^ hehe all them chicas falling for you up there :p i cant concentrate on anything im still re-reading our convos just looking at videos that we made </3 *sigh* connor i need you here really bad </3 and the videos lol we were so immature i just want those times back </3 i wanna hug you tackle you steal you food :') Save me A Spot Up There Yeah.? alright well ima go re-read convos and watch our videos now bye Connor Love You <3


Ok Connor it's been about 2 days since I've written on your wall and well I guess things are a little better.. Not really I take that back >.< the only goof part that's happened was Justin asking me out<3 he's amazing Connor you'd like him:3 and you'd probably be sitting next to me drooling over the picture of him :') but anywho Connor how are you? Are you being a good boy up in heaven? I bet all the girls are chasing you around the place c: hehe it's 5 in the morning and I can't fall asleep I've been watching the videos of you and your brother :p they still make me laugh even tho I've since them a 100 times and I realized in one of them you can see me in the background cx I feel so special haha jk but still I miss you Connor like a lot Crissy stopped talking v.v she's that heart broken and I don't blame her she's known you her hole life but I'm scared she's gonna go after you Connor /: please make sure she doesn't? I can't lose anyone else v.v but anywho I'm gonna go watch more videos read letters and look at pictures of you <3 love you Connor