
this message may be offensive
Holy shit I forgot this was a thing I still had


this message may be offensive
Aw shit, now I'm sad because of the dead Minaite Fandom, and ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, so many fucking memories, it breaks my heart.
          I fear that Waglington ends up the new Seto.


@Cookies_love_TnT Well, Waglington is still active on Twitter, so no he isn't the new Seto


Yep. All hope for Season 3 of Mianite is practically dead, considering Syndicate(Tom) only makes vlogs now, not minecraft videos, Tucker and Sonja broke up so that's awkward, and Wag's last video was six months ago.  Not to mention the two year and ongoing wait, as the gap from Season 1 and 2 was only three months. This caused the fandom to basically die, there are a couple hardcore fans still on Wattpad though.