
Hi there! How are you? I just wanted to say thanks so much for following me. I suppose that means you have found one of my books appealing to you. Or perhaps, it’s me. Either way, I’m glad. Feel free to reach out to me if you ever have any questions regarding any of my books, or if you would just like to chat. I’d love to hear from you. :)
          Have a good rest of your day.
          Stay smiling. :)
          -Sarah Aitcheson


And ah, you are really beautiful. I'm not hitting on you, just wanted to let you know:)


@SarahAitcheson thank you as well, you're one in a kind:) and thank you, I'm glad God gave me a second chance. Just made me realize how much I took life for granted and people without realizing it. Almost cost my life, but I've learned not to take much or anything for granted.  I really have to say, you really truly have beautiful wording.  Just the way you word things is very unique and beautiful.   


@CountryWild17 At this rate, all of my responses to you will start out with "thank you" aha. Oh, no! What a story. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but I'm really glad you survived. You would know more than a lot of people just how precious life is, then. It takes being hit by tough situations to appreciate what you could have lost sometimes.