
I apologize profusely for being MIA for the past 9 ish weeks.
          	I literally had covid while out of state for work at the end of the year, so I spent new years day and the first week of the new year sick as a dog. I come back home 2 weeks later just starting to feel better from covid, to find out I'm pregnant.
          	Yes, I'm 11 weeks and 5 days as of today. My morning sickness has been brutal since not long after finding out. I couldn't read or write as the thought of even doing so made my head hurt :( Now I'm nearing the end of my first trimester and i'm just starting to feel better, so today I decided I'm going to pick up right where I left off writing.
          	I hope y'all forgive me for my absence and I plan on posting chapters weekly still :)
          	I work full time Tuesday - Saturdays, So Monday will be my new posting day of the week.


I apologize profusely for being MIA for the past 9 ish weeks.
          I literally had covid while out of state for work at the end of the year, so I spent new years day and the first week of the new year sick as a dog. I come back home 2 weeks later just starting to feel better from covid, to find out I'm pregnant.
          Yes, I'm 11 weeks and 5 days as of today. My morning sickness has been brutal since not long after finding out. I couldn't read or write as the thought of even doing so made my head hurt :( Now I'm nearing the end of my first trimester and i'm just starting to feel better, so today I decided I'm going to pick up right where I left off writing.
          I hope y'all forgive me for my absence and I plan on posting chapters weekly still :)
          I work full time Tuesday - Saturdays, So Monday will be my new posting day of the week.


Hey y'all!
          Life update: My new job sent me out of state for training. I'm homesick and tired from work, but still finding the time to write, thankfully! I hope you guys are having a good week :)


@Storytellingdude871 yes! It’s a new experience! And work training has me TIRED! Lol


Happy Thursday y'all!! 
          Couldn't sleep so decided to stay up and write. I can hear the rain patter outside, my dogs annoying licking themselves, my cat purring next to me, and my boyfriend snoring in the other room. Life is currently good. :)
          Also Inkitt's algorithm seems to be on point! I've gotten more readers, followers, and likes since posting Lunar to there 6 days ago. Wish Wattpad can work its algorithm juju on me!!! hahahaha
          Any plans this weekend? :)


Hi y'all!
          Finally checked out Inkitt and uploaded my work to there, we'll see how that goes lmao
          Lunar is officially done, with Book 2 of the Light Series coming soon. Will start posting new chapters on a regular basis probably starting next week :))
          Any plans this weekend? So far I have none so let me live vicariously through you! Tell me all the fun things you have planned! 
          Stay safe and happy almost friday :)


@CourtneyOldham Writing as usual! I'm on Inkitt! :)


I finally got an employment offer for a full time position as a phlebotomist!! I start December 5th!! Gives me a month or so to focus on writing/editing before I work my life away again lol! But I'm so happy! Also they send me out of state for training too, so I'm super excited about that! :)


Hi, I'm back!
          I took like an almost 2 month hiatus to focus on my life, I did do some more writing but have not posted it yet. What are other good websites/platforms to publish on other than wattpad? Havent had much luck with wattpad the last few months, and with book 1 being done and moving onto the second book in the series, I want to gain a bigger audience with active readers.
          Any advice would be helpful! 
          TYSM! :) And have a great weekend!


@Robert_Steele no worries! Thank you for all your support either way :)


@Robert_Steele Hi! Missed you old friend! Glad to see your active again! Which also means I can keep reading your book I loved! :) Also I was thinking of trying inkitt out after second draft of Lunar is done. Oh yeah, you missed it, that book is doneeeee,I capped it at 160,000 words i think. With me editing it I'm trying to knock down another 10,000 or so lmao. Hoping to have that done soon so I can focus on the social media and marketing aspect of it.


          What have you all been up to lately?
          I've been starting on writing book 2 of the Light Series! Ahhhh can I just say that I never thought I'd make it this far, with the whole completing book 1 and planning for books 2 and 3? It's an accomplishment and an amazing feeling! 
          Still editing Lunar: Book 1 of the Light Series, but I hope to be done editing in a couple weeks so I can focus solely on book 2. 
          Also I think when I'm done editing book 1, I'm going to publish on inkitt and see where I get more readers because I'm not getting hardly anybody on here :( 
          Any recommendations on other free platforms to publish where people get more engaged? Or any advice on how to get more readers?
          Thaaaanks! and happy Monday and I hope y'all have a great rest of your week! :)