
Congratulations everyone!! You've pissed me off one too many times. I'm tired of dealing with the constant comments of people demanding I write them more and more stories, when I've made it painfully clear that I am no longer writing on this platform, but it's obvious nobody cares to listen to me. So there I've deleted. Every. Single. One. Of my books. If nobody wanted to appreciate them for what they were (yes relating to all the comments getting upset at me for changing a gender of a character) then nobody gets them anymore! I'm done!


@CraftingGal101 Im sorry for people stupid and rude actions you did the right thing! 


@CraftingGal101 Good for you! I think people are getting what they deserve. Don't go back, you did the right thing.


I am really sorry to hear that and I apologize on behalf of the community. Although I do not know what works you did, I do appreciate them with all my heart even before knowing what it is. I hope you can respond to me somehow...


Congratulations everyone!! You've pissed me off one too many times. I'm tired of dealing with the constant comments of people demanding I write them more and more stories, when I've made it painfully clear that I am no longer writing on this platform, but it's obvious nobody cares to listen to me. So there I've deleted. Every. Single. One. Of my books. If nobody wanted to appreciate them for what they were (yes relating to all the comments getting upset at me for changing a gender of a character) then nobody gets them anymore! I'm done!


@CraftingGal101 Im sorry for people stupid and rude actions you did the right thing! 


@CraftingGal101 Good for you! I think people are getting what they deserve. Don't go back, you did the right thing.


I am really sorry to hear that and I apologize on behalf of the community. Although I do not know what works you did, I do appreciate them with all my heart even before knowing what it is. I hope you can respond to me somehow...


Hello everyone, it's been quite a while hasn't it. I know I've been gone for such a long time and I know that nobody has really seen or heard from me in so long. I just can't stay on wattpad anymore, I can't. Not after they removed a book that I had worked on, for so long. That had so many memories and wonderful times in it. I'm on Tumblr you can find me in 3 places.
          "craftinggal101" is my main Tumblr, I reblog stuff and sometimes post stories.
          "robotgal101" is where I post my transformers stories. I haven't put to much effort into that blog yet. I still have yet to move stories there.
          "crafting-tenno" is my warframe blog. Even though some of you are just following me for undertale or who knows what. I'd appreciate the support.
          I've been gone for so long, but I'll keep my stories and I'll keep my account. So others can enjoy my stories even if they're old and to me, gone. I'm staying to continue support of my friends. Of the people who I've met here. But I'm afraid wattpad has left for me. Follow me on Tumblr, if you desire to continue reading my stories. And if you desire to continue following me.
          Thank you for listening and reading what I have to say. But I'm afraid that this is goodbye.


@CraftingGal101 heh, you know if you don't feel happy here... It's fine to say goodbye.. Goodbye good friend.. Thanks for listening to the problems I've probably set on you.. 


 .    □□ □□□
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            (  +☆
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Hey Crafting.
           I know you may not know me, I know my word may not seem much. But I have read your books and I have gained inspiration to write on my books. You and others like you inspire me. Now I'm just now hitting 50+ followers. I know it's a small number but we all begin somewhere. When I got the disappearance question I was shook. I know you have depression and I know how hard it can be battling through it. But even if your down, even if you feel hopeless and alone. Know that some people, like myself, may look up to you, care for your well-being, and people like this, myself and more, will be devastated on your absence. Crafting. You inspire me. Your stories and others is what made me choose, no helped me choose, to come back to wattpad. And honestly, I don't want to imagine a wattpad without talented authors like you.
          Love, Eevee.


Would any of the 516 of you who follow this account. Care if I disappeared?


@CraftingGal101 this is hella fuckin late but who cares ID CARE. ;w; ily yan 


this message may be offensive
@CraftingGal101 Oh mi god are you kidding me?! I CARE RIGHT NOW. AND RIGHT WHENEVER. YOU ARE AN AMAZING AUTHOR AND YOUR FUCKING AWESOME. So plz dont disappear on me, your followers, and the ones whom care for you. Your awesome. Keep being amazing. 