• انضمApril 7, 2020


قصص بقلم Craig Tucker
This is Not a drill, This is not a Test بقلم CraigTucker042
This is Not a drill, This is not a...
A odd virus nobody has seen before has fallen over the world I know..All I can do is take notes and hope it b...
+3 أكثر
Replacement of a King (Fate Grand Order Arthur Story) بقلم CraigTucker042
Replacement of a King (Fate Grand...
Arthur Pendragon hates being a copycat even though be came first, he doesn't understand why it had to be him...
Feast - The Year of The Russian  بقلم CraigTucker042
Feast - The Year of The Russian
In Russia , A old folklore is told to so you do not wander off in dark areas. A Monster Humanoid By The Name...
5 قوائم قراءة
