
I only ever posted my ko-fi here and in scribble hub. I received my 1st ko-fi!!! Whoever you are, thank you so much!


Hi guys. Quick question: Do you know an app like wattpad but has the option of letting readers choose the next chapter? Choice-like. I found STORY3 and that's exactly what I wanted lol, but I think it's still in development. Can't see comment and profile personalization. 
          But anyway, I tried it there. Seems fun. :P


@Crastinus dunno unfortunately :’D


This is a great and also not great news. I've been accepted in the organization I'm applying in law enforcement. 
          I'll be in training for six months (or less I think) and I'll probably die (Lord help) so no communication coz no celphone. 
          If you can't tell, I'M HYPERVENTILATING. 


@Crastinus whoah, good luck girl! You can do it!


I am writing a new fic. The MC is a girl and will eventually have her partner. She has two brothers and I just found myself writing them a male romantic partner. And now I can't partner them with anyone else. Lolol. MC, you carry the line. Your two brothers can't get pregnant, nor get someone pregnant. Hahaha!!


@99123909t I might write something like that though. No a/b/o. I dislike the stigma it is connected with. 


@Crastinus but the setting of my story is modern. Lolol. No male getting pregnant here. 


Thats what mpreg is for 
            -double constitution for male
            -eating medicine that allows men to be preg
            -being born a ger@Crastinus


Whenever someone find my short story books (either FATHER or CHAINED) liked it and commented on it, I feel happier than when I am reading my multi-chaptered fic reviewers. 
          Don't get me wrong, I love all my readers and comments that I receive. But the fact that someone actually took time to read my short fic and even commented on it feels like an accomplishment for me. Coz short stories have so few readers and seeing someone finds and ACTUALLY read it, then commented on it is such a surprising and delightful thing for me that I reread all of them once again. Especially when the cover pic is so simple. Lol.