It’s been a long time! Anyway, you guys please please please go ahead and check @Cautery his work. Its absolutely amazing
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It’s been a long time! Anyway, you guys please please please go ahead and check @Cautery his work. Its absolutely amazing
It’s been a long time! Anyway, you guys please please please go ahead and check @Cautery his work. Its absolutely amazing
Omg my name is Lena too!!!!
I’m sorry I haven’t been updating like at all!!!! I love u all and I’m sorry I’m just extremely busy all the time with AP and friends, always here for you though! Have a great day!
Thanks for the follow !
Ok ok ok ok cutest thing happened today. I had 3 tests and then after that we all got time in the gym. I was playing basketball and my best friend walks up to me and asks for my locker pin. Because I am dumb asf, I gave it to him. He left and during lunch, I went to my locker to grab my sweater and I found a birthday note. YALL IT WAS CUTE ASF He said he'd do anything for me and that he loved me and all of that. Made me smile for the rest of the day. Then.... My sister and I were standing outside and he told me happy early birthday. I told him I was born on a rainy day I was jp but then yall... He said... But you're my sunshine AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW XD Cutest thing ever I swear ANYWAYYYYY Sorry for the late updates! I appreciate the wait and the constant CONSTANT messages I get telling me to update. :) sorry won't make me update any sooner. Love you all XX Lena
Happy Birthday, TJ. You were a really good friend! I know everyone loves you and that you are still in our hearts. I loved how we would go out after school and sneak over to McDonald's and eat until we felt sick XD How you would sneak into my class and make a fool of yourself and then get in trouble. You were always there for me. Gave me hugs when I needed them, let me complain all I want, and best of all you never gave up on me. I love you so much and RIP you are still remembered and I will always love you! I haven't found a great friend like you, you are still my best best best friend and I hope you are safe right now. Happy. Remember to smile! I love you! RIP, Lena ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Anyone know how to break up with someone "Kindly"?
If you act like I don't exist, I'm going to do the same thing back :) Thanks for all the kind PM'S you guys have sent much appreciated! I'm sorry I will be updated soon I'm just really busy nowadays! Love you all! xxLena
Um ok. If you're a dude then THIS IS FOR YOU! First... let's say the story. Today we were doing a lockdown drill at school and my supposedly best friend sat next to me. First, he winked. Ew, don't ever EVER do that okay? Next, he asked me out...IF A GIRL SAYS SHES GONNA SLAP YOU BACK OFF so yeah. Then, he claimed to be a gentleman and carried my stuff to my locker. Like thank you, but why? But wait! It gets worse. He literally asked me, "Hey beautiful how are you." To all of the guys out there, just don't. Okay? I mean it's honestly creepy. And if you're gonna walk me to my locker which just so happens to me RIGHT NEXT TO YOURS don't walk to the wrong freaking locker...smh Oh, but it gets even worse. I was stuck sitting next to him in Algebra 1 fun fact...He can't shut up. He told me that he didn't have friends, and I so happened to be dumb and said, "Don't say that, I'll accept you for your weird self." What did he do? He did 12 freaking pushups. smh. Oh...again...it gets worse. He asked me how much he should pay me to have sex with him. EW WHAT THE FUCK DONT EVER ASK A GIRL THAT PLZ BECAUSE IT'SJUST EMBARRASSING! Long story short I said I wasn't ever gonna do that blah blah blah hes weird. but... I would be proud to call him my best friend. He's always been there for me, made me happy when things felt like they weren't going to get any better. In art class today we had to smile, dumb yeah, but he said, "I smile as long as she's sitting next to me." So I hope everyone out there gets a chance to have an awesome friend whos there for you. He's carried me to class when I was too lazy to walk, hugged me when I was freaking cold and didn't even bother to do anything when I spilled my water all over his head because I was bored. Lmao didn't expect that did you? ;) I love you all and I hope you had the chance to read something interesting XD
https://www.wattpad.com/story/6054153-a-blind-date I FELL IN LOVE WITH A BOOK XD You have to read this book! I literally have nothing else to say. I was feeling guilty about hurting a friend and so I got on wattpad and read this. This is my life. Seriously though, I think it's one of the best books you'll ever read. oh btw, don't fall for Ryan he's a fuck boy. Alex though... XD
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