
Hello everyone, I know it has been a while but a new life update. First and foremost I am not married, didn't even get past engagement. Second, I have children now and moved states. I am back to living with family but not my mother. My current partner is very supportive of me despite not liking my civil standby with my babydaddy, I hope she can understand that it is still vital he stay in my kids' lives. I know I haven't been working on A Wolf's Tale like I said I would as it has been difficult and my life is not surrounded by Wattpad. I do however have a discord channel if you all would like to join I will create a separate channel for my wattpad followers. If you have Tiktok you may also find me there @Cr4zyL0v30814. I hope everyone is well and hasn't given up as many stories continue to capture your minds and hearts and may The Crazy Carnival reign.


Hello everyone, I know it has been a while but a new life update. First and foremost I am not married, didn't even get past engagement. Second, I have children now and moved states. I am back to living with family but not my mother. My current partner is very supportive of me despite not liking my civil standby with my babydaddy, I hope she can understand that it is still vital he stay in my kids' lives. I know I haven't been working on A Wolf's Tale like I said I would as it has been difficult and my life is not surrounded by Wattpad. I do however have a discord channel if you all would like to join I will create a separate channel for my wattpad followers. If you have Tiktok you may also find me there @Cr4zyL0v30814. I hope everyone is well and hasn't given up as many stories continue to capture your minds and hearts and may The Crazy Carnival reign.


What's up my killers I've got a new story coming out just for you. It'll be called A Wolf's Tale. I won't spoil anything but be sure to check it out once I get the first chapter up! I know it's been a while but Update on life:
          No longer living with my family I've been staying with friends, graduated from high school and in college! Full-time job but currently stuck in quarantine, ik we're all stuck in quarantine right now but we will get through it! And I'm engaged! 
          But be sure to stay safe everyone, stay home if possible! Unless you are an essential worker or going out for groceries or a doctor's visit! Always be careful!


mesaj potențial jignitor
Hello everyone, I know it's taking such a long time and y'all probably thought I've died, no I'm still very much alive I've just been busy with my wedding planning and graduation from high school it's been pretty hectic since I also have my mom, yes the very special bitch that raised me, up my ass about packing boxes so I don't get much time throughout the day. I do apologise for the very long wait on new chapters. Please be patient with me


Hey guys I'm back, and for good, my life has completely turned around and I have a new book, updates will be uploaded whenever I can get time like usual cause I don't have as much free time as I used to.
          But nonetheless, it's great to be back, I have new people in my life and I'm finally on a better track than I was on. I'm sorry for my very long absence from Wattpad


Hey y'all. I might quit Wattpad I'm losing myself and my inspiration. Plus I'm going through a tough time right now and I can't handle it anymore im sorry y'all I don't want to do this but I feel like I need to it's hard to do this I practically have no one now. Besides those that have been there for me even though they're leaving me it feels like I'm fighting for a lost cause now. Idk what to do now I just know for sure that I can't do a lot of things I thought I could I'm really sorry everyone but I think this is the best