
(I'm slowly getting active again - help me rise Jim from the dead lmao)


@Criminal_Mastermind I‘ll get Doctor Frankenstein for that. By the way, would you be interested in roleplay?


So I forgot my password to this account, and I have no idea what it is now. Made a new one, let's roleplay there. I've missed you guys lol
          I'm still in the process of setting up the aesthetics on that account, but feel free to send starters there!


            We have missed you. Well, I have ❤️


If i didn't tag anyone it's cuz I can't find your new username oops


Death chuckled as he watched Jim. “You’re claiming Sirius ruins your bad boy image when he is covered in tattoos.”


@-Sirius-Morningstar-  I'm practically the CEO of crimes, here, Sirius. I look fabulous.


@-Sirius-Morningstar-  *scoffs and brushes his suit* I stand corrected. Bad *man* image.


(I'm slowly getting active again - help me rise Jim from the dead lmao)


@Criminal_Mastermind I‘ll get Doctor Frankenstein for that. By the way, would you be interested in roleplay?


(  I brought this dickhead back lmao - take a starter )
          alexis sat on the roof, legs swinging over the edge. the gun was long forgotten as the mission had been called out. he sighed, as he looked out over the city, not sure what to do with himself. the sixteen year old didn't have anywhere to go - he spent his days and nights hiding out with his beloved gun.
          he heard the door opening of the roof. he raised an eyebrow, turning to look at whoever was there, he scanned over the man, noticing their somewhat simular features. " who the hell are you?"


@Criminal_Mastermind !
            Alexis frowned, not reaching for his gun yet. "I have a feeling I'm meant to know who you are," he responded, in a similar tone. "You're definitely not a client of mine, I know that much," he muttered, then a worse thought entered his head. Was he with law enforcement? He looked around, looking for an escape if needed. "So, who are you, really?" He asked, in a somewhat shaky tone.


            Jim lifted his hands in surrender, cocking his head slightly in a harmless way. “Can’t you tell?” He drawled, in his silky Irish accent. He knew where Alexis was, but he didn’t bother until one of his men got shot by his own son. He simply stood there by the door for a few moments, staring at the kid, waiting to be recognised. “I won’t feel bad if your guess is wrong,” he mocked childishly. 