
          	        I know many of you loved “My Living Nightmare” by Winternighz.
          	        Unfortunately, no sequel took place, except in French.  I doubt that it has been translated, and I find it a shame that many people remain in doubt, so I decided to translate it.  I plan to take the official story again, to really be in the theme apart from a few modifications following the translation of course.  I hope you like it (the story is made by nais.niss, and it is amazing)


                  I know many of you loved “My Living Nightmare” by Winternighz.
                  Unfortunately, no sequel took place, except in French.  I doubt that it has been translated, and I find it a shame that many people remain in doubt, so I decided to translate it.  I plan to take the official story again, to really be in the theme apart from a few modifications following the translation of course.  I hope you like it (the story is made by nais.niss, and it is amazing)


Hello ça va?
          Suite à la fin de the forgotten felling,je pense traduire celle ci,ainsi que beautiful lie..(je ne sais pas si ça à déjà été fait,mais je le fais aussi pour le plaisir et pour pouvoir re-entamer une relecture alors... autant le faire non?)