
          	can  my  brother 
          	lay  his  bitchass  
          	down .  His  
          	footsteps  are  
          	hella  loud  and
          	omfG .  IF  HE
          	YELLS  ONE  
          	MORE  GODDAMN
          	TIME .


          	  I hope your brother dose shut the Hell up.


          Bunny Hunny?


Maxy- baby- yes you bootiful gorgeous incredible being-
          okay okay, i was trying to be serious im sorry
          You're amazing, special, important, and valid. We want you here, and care about you and love you. All these people. I'm here for you, you're not really honest with your feelings too often and I get that, I'm not either, but please know you can talk to me about anything. I can try to help, or if you just needed to get it off your chest I can forget about it, I'll do whatever I can for you. You mean a lot to me Max, I really wanna do whatever I can to help.
          Okay, sorry, I love chu, I'll go now sorryilovechubyebyes-


this message may be offensive
Okay looking back on that now cause it was prolly too fucking early I'm so sorry if anything I said sounded not.. correct? Like english-wise? And sorry if any of it was weird or anything- I'm honestly just tryna be helpful and stuffs- ;;-;;