• انضمJanuary 21, 2022


قصص بقلم D34TH_TH3_K1D
"Because I love you..." بقلم D34TH_TH3_K1D
"Because I love you..."
"Isabella had never been one for horror stories, little did she know she would soon be living one."...
Prosopagdolia بقلم D34TH_TH3_K1D
Pareidolia- The tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful, image in a random or ambiguous visual patt...
In another world (Gandalf x Abraham Lincoln) بقلم D34TH_TH3_K1D
In another world (Gandalf x Abraha...
A shitty platonic fanfic I started writing in history class. Takes place right after the civil war and during...
ranking #72 في gandalfthegrey إظهار جميع المراتِب
1 قائمة قراءة