
Hey guys,sorry for the inconvenience,this particular account has been malfunctioning which I'm very sure you guys already noticed so we had to move this award to another account. 
          	Please kindly follow this new account .
          	Also the books that were previously entered in the competition are still in ,all you have to do is follow this new one .
          	Thanks in advance. 


@ShurdyFino  this account is no longer going to be used as the award account because it is malfunctioning 
          	  Another account has been made and that will be where all awards will be hosted 
          	  All you have to do is click on the link and follow the new account then unfollow this one 


Hey guys,sorry for the inconvenience,this particular account has been malfunctioning which I'm very sure you guys already noticed so we had to move this award to another account. 
          Please kindly follow this new account .
          Also the books that were previously entered in the competition are still in ,all you have to do is follow this new one .
          Thanks in advance. 


@ShurdyFino  this account is no longer going to be used as the award account because it is malfunctioning 
            Another account has been made and that will be where all awards will be hosted 
            All you have to do is click on the link and follow the new account then unfollow this one 


I hope everything will be fine


@Bright__Star we will be temporarily moving d award to another account 
            But that would be of no problem to participants that entered their books already 


@DBellerophronAwards i thought something went wrong cause i can't see the award


          I am not sure if you are aware but you have copied @euphoria_community We had created The Euphoria Awards 2020 before you and we do not appreciate you having the same name as our’s. I presume that you most likely have no idea that this was the case. I have attached the link to the original Euphoria Awards 2020 down below if you do not believe me. There are multiple comments dates way further. We have put so much hard word, time and dedication into our awards exactly like you but we executed it first so I think it is entirely rational/fair/reasonable that we get to keep the name. However, we do not expect you to delete your wards but instead just change the name. We are not doing this to be mean or spiteful in any way or form and we are deeply sorry if this has come off rude or offended you as that was not out intentions at all. I just wanted to show you that you have (I hope unknownly) copied us and we do not consent or allow it. I hope you understand where I am coming from and have the level of maturity to comprehend that you should rename the awards. We wish you the best of luck (:
          The link:


@DBellerophronAwards thank you for renaming it. i wasn’t entirely confident if you had known about our awards so that is the reason for my wording. i now see that you genuinely didn’t do it on purpose and i agree with you that it was just a confidence. hope the awards go great! best of luck <3


@aditixh and no we did not copy 
            It's not copying if the name thing is coincidental 