
1k views! Finally the bigger than number 1 one has graced On the Outer Rim but I have to thank you and only you! And to annouce this thank you properly I've published Let Us Begin! Please enjoy, share the book with your friend and family and shout out to all my new followers, voters and people who have been adding my story to their libraries its so appreciated guys and  I see everyone one of them as another sign to keep moving forward :)


1k views! Finally the bigger than number 1 one has graced On the Outer Rim but I have to thank you and only you! And to annouce this thank you properly I've published Let Us Begin! Please enjoy, share the book with your friend and family and shout out to all my new followers, voters and people who have been adding my story to their libraries its so appreciated guys and  I see everyone one of them as another sign to keep moving forward :)


Hey everyone, the sequel is in the works right now. Just wanna keep everyone updated but unfortunately I'm experiencing some problems on my laptop that are hampering progress. Hopefully these subside otherwise I'll have to get a new laptop...and I have no idea how I'm gonna do that lol.


          Yes that's what I'm calling the book series. With this book series, I don't know how far I'm taking it after the sequel, I know for a fact though there will be at least two books I will post along with the sequel of On the Outer Rim so what are your thoughts? How much do you like On the Outer Rim? Should I write another book? Love to him from you all.


Everyone! I am pleased to announce that On the Outer Rim is now finished!!!!!
          It is finally complete, yes it probably does have a lot of things I need to go brush up on to make it perfect but I just wanna say thank you all for reading it all 800+ of you or whoever took time to read it!
          Big shout out to my awesome readers like @mackelian  @MN_rickara and @princesslola242.
          Thanks for all the help @tyaraminnis and @uniqueneka for the first and second book covers they were both amazing, I loved them both and they were awesome.
          Thanks all the help @xxsoftheartxx for a lot moral support and quite literal support because she is currently helping me revise the entire book for grammer errors etc. Or at least she's now finding this out ;)
          And thank you all most of all because if you weren't reading then I wouldn't be writing. Stay awesome, love you guys, cheers mates.
          Oh yeah, don't forget to watch out for the sequel ;)


Hello everyone! Just wanted to apologize that I haven't been posting twice a week but there's a good reason for that. I'm pretty sure I've caught the plague. Like seriously it feels like whatever sickness I've contracted mutates everynight and smacks my head so I'll get a lovely headache in the morning.
          Anyways no need to worry about my cold/flu. I'm telling you it doesn't wanna decide its having an identity crisis. I also wanted to let everyone know that my birthday is on July 27th! I'll be 17 and I hope I'll get a few more comments and votes for my birthday. Cheers mate :)