
Why does it hurt so much to lose someone that you love more than anyone else? Why does it feel like I've been shot, over and over and over again? Why is it so easy for me to get out of bed in the morning, but so hard to go to sleep? Why do I have so many regrets about him? Why do I feel guilty about him? Why didn't he just tell me? Why am I crying over him? Why did he leave me? Why do I have so many questions?


Why does it hurt so much to lose someone that you love more than anyone else? Why does it feel like I've been shot, over and over and over again? Why is it so easy for me to get out of bed in the morning, but so hard to go to sleep? Why do I have so many regrets about him? Why do I feel guilty about him? Why didn't he just tell me? Why am I crying over him? Why did he leave me? Why do I have so many questions?


Coming back to my last message, I want to give a bit more context. I came out to my brother about a year ago, when I thought I was Bisexual, and he told me that I didn't know what I was talking about, and all girls were bisexual at least once in their lives. This is another reason I want nothing to do with him, he is an ass. I haven't felt safe about coming out to my parents because of that. They don't believe in agenders or nonbinaries, they think that sex and gender are the same, by definition they aren't, and they think there are only two sexes.
           I came out to my friends that don't really know my family, and I felt safe with them about it, they welcomed me as who I am, but they aren't my family, they all have different views and beliefs.


So, I'm having a dilemma. I want to, finally after like three years, completely come out of the closet. I want to tell my parents, and my siblings, but I'm scared they won't understand, and they won't accept me for being who I truly am. Help?


@TheDirtyFairiy just make sure you're safe. If you are, then jump for it. No matter what their reaction is, you can finally live free. 


I feel broken. Like I can't comprehend everything inside my head. I need your love, my life, is our bond. I need you here, I need now. I can't do this without you. You are 
          still my best friend, even after everything you went through. Even after you left me.
           And yeah, I feel jealous you don't have to live through this horrible world, falling to Hell, but I am so happy you don't have to live in pain any longer.
           My love for you is always true, but my pain and sadness is always present. I love you, but I hate you for leaving me.