
Carried Away by Passion Pit is so good, I recommend it. Found it on the Hermione's Twin story (heard it once before though) and now I've replayed it at least 20 times xD


Well then! I have decided to write some Uncharted 4 fanfiction, about Sam specifically. I've got nothing left to read about him on here so why not write something myself? I know I'm not a good writer but I'm putting maximum effort and love into this so I really hope it'll turn out above decent!


Whenever I say I'm rambling I end up rambling even more and it's so bad because when I'm busy and try to do things I always end up rambling and when I say I need to stop and continue with my work I keep rambling on about how I'm rambling and I just realized I'm doing it again


Does anybody know a website where I can watch season 6 of Pretty Little Liars?
          No signing up or anything, if possible.
          Like Netflix only has up to season 4 on the Swedish version so I had to use the American one (Thanx friendo for suggesting it) and they only had up to the last episode of season 5!!!


Oh nevermind, I actually found one!
            It has subtitles, which kinda sucks, but hey. Better than nothing, right?


Holy crap on a cracker, someone broke into my apartment today. 0-0


@SaraSciarpa Yes because what if I die then how they gon know what happened to me x'D


@DL-44bby ofc, tell it on wattpad x'D


I'm okay but it was so terrifying! The person literally just opened the door, walked in, stood there, and walked out again! I guess I didn't need sleep tonight. xD