
Alright! I have another story coming soon! it is not another fanfiction. Also I will not be paint it until I am half way through with LYWE!! :) I might post a chapter to LYWE soon!!!


So I have basically made a tumblr where I will also post Loving You Was Easy. Also my friend told me to do this 'bright idea's where I should let people ask questions to the characters and basically answer them......link


Alright!! on anther note I would appreciate it if you took the time to read this book.
          My friend wrote it and I love it. As you can see all I ever read are Larry, but sometimes there are those books that catch my eyes. This was one of them. So please take the time to read it and when you do tell me. I will  read your works and try to give you  follows, but you have to do this for me. My friend took her time to write this. :)


I'm really sorry if I haven't posted Cover Girl, it's just that I started my second year of high school and we are all ready deep in assignments and projects. also have to spend time with friends in such. friends are my first priority over Wattpad. I'm sorry...I promise I will have a up soon. I promise, I just have to settle into school first. :)