DancerGyrl296 Aug 25, 2015 Zgłoś KomentarzLink do KomentarzaKodeks PostępowaniaWattpadowe Centrum Bezpieczeństwa It's MY BIRTHDAY. Yay finally I've been waiting on this all year. Happy Birthday to anyone else who is my birthday twin. August 25th. Zobacz jeszcze 0 odpowiedzi
DancerGyrl296 Aug 11, 2015 Zgłoś KomentarzLink do KomentarzaKodeks PostępowaniaWattpadowe Centrum Bezpieczeństwa Hopefully I should be writing a book very soon but I will need help. If anyone would like to help me co-write that would be great. If you think you would like to help me pm me and I'll tell you about the story that i have in mind.Thanks!! Zobacz jeszcze 0 odpowiedzi
DancerGyrl296 Dec 20, 2014 Zgłoś KomentarzLink do KomentarzaKodeks PostępowaniaWattpadowe Centrum Bezpieczeństwa Happy holidays to everyone and have a happy New year's I know it's early but I might not be on on Christmas Zobacz jeszcze 0 odpowiedzi