
So Doctor Who, Doctor Who Classic, and Torchwood all just got taken off of Netflix. *cries* I just finished the Vashta Nerada episode and don't know who River Song is. Help.


Hi Ballet girl
          I just wanted to stop by and say a big thanks for adding our book Blink to your reading list, we both really hope you enjoy it! Please don't be a stranger we love answering questions, no matter how quirky they may be.
          Steve and Joy @joycronje


WOW!!!  Thanks for adding book two of Angel of Fire to your reading list!!!!!!!!!!  It sucks that it takes a lot longer for me to write than it does for you to read. As soon as book one becomes a Featured Story on Wattpad in two weeks, I'll be able to get back to writing. Just concentrating right now on polishing. It would go a lot faster if I didn't make so many mistakes. What a difference a year makes!!! Surprising how much I've grown as an author. The process of re-reading my first book while I concentrate on fixing errors is cringe-worthy.  I'm so embarrassed!!!!


I just stopped by to say thanks for following me!  I got to be the first to follow you back!!  So totally just owned that!!!
          I see you and I have both added Rouge to our reading lists. How cool is that??!!!! You have good taste.
          Ya know...just between you and book Angel of Fire - the Breath of Immortality, would look so freaking EPIC when paired side by side with Rogue on your reading list. Just sayin'.....
          No pressure!!!  