i am an amourshipper and i absolutely adore wolves if you find anything wrong within my books let me know by messaging me or commenting :)
  • Připojen/aJune 7, 2018

Příběhy od Daniel Andrews
I'm coming Back!! (amourshipping) od DanielAndrews646
I'm coming Back!! (amourshipping)
"I can't believe its been 3 years since that day " the young man sighed "you ready for this gu...
ranking #443 v kategorii amourshipping Zobrazit všechna umístění
the betrayed master and chosen one (amourshipping) od DanielAndrews646
the betrayed master and chosen one...
i ran up to my house with pikachu running next to me, as we ran i saw ho-oh go overhead, i couldn't help but...
ranking #748 v kategorii kalos Zobrazit všechna umístění
5 seznamů příběhů