Just posted Chapter 7 New Home 16 1520 4 Mar 25
of my #ONC entry, Cho's Bestie and Aliens, a young adult science fiction story.
I used this prompt 111. A single night can change everything. Even someone you thought you knew -- like your best friend.
Ava was rude, then ended their friendship the night before the aliens came.
Chloe Diaz and Ava Greenfield have been best friends since they were 4 and in preschool. Suddenly, she doesn't want to be friends, and now aliens want to enter a treaty with Earth, something Ava would love to talk about! What happened?
I have the complete novella finished and will upload Tu, Th and Sat at 1 am or earlier. Did you enter Open Novella Contest this year? Add your blurb and link! Be sure to tell me what genre it is. If I go read it, I'll post here.