
Hey people,
          	I'm sorry if I haven't been updating...life has been messed up
          	I've updated 3 new sections for Riordanverse Memes (ONGOING) and would love it if anyone checked it out :)
          	Soulmates' seventh chapter is undergoing...might take a long time though, been a little busy, and I also have a scheduled trip on April 23...
          	Anyways, have fun and enjoy!
          	~ daria out <3


@AmazingBlueCookie tyyysmm <3
          	  ooh ur on wattpad
          	  lemme give u a follow


Hey people,
          I'm sorry if I haven't been updating...life has been messed up
          I've updated 3 new sections for Riordanverse Memes (ONGOING) and would love it if anyone checked it out :)
          Soulmates' seventh chapter is undergoing...might take a long time though, been a little busy, and I also have a scheduled trip on April 23...
          Anyways, have fun and enjoy!
          ~ daria out <3


@AmazingBlueCookie tyyysmm <3
            ooh ur on wattpad
            lemme give u a follow


Hey peeps
          Thanks so much for 10 followers~~ I'll be updating Riordanverse Memes and Riordanverse Fanart...and maybe Soulmates. I said MAYBE.
          To those who know me on Quora...you probably know that I'm on vacation right now and I can't really spend all my time devoted to writing on Wattpad...so I'm incredibly sorry if the quality is really bad or something.
          But please do enjoy.
          Cheerio! Have a nice day~~


Hey guys!
          It's been a while since I updated my Wattpad stories, and I'd like to pay special thanks to silver_falcon for reading and commenting my stories :D
          My laptop had a bug, so it'll take a while until I'm able to write again.
          Until then, I'll be working on some artwork on my iPad and hopefully I'll share them on Wattpad.
          Stay tuned!
          Daria <3


@Silver-falcon yeah, u def do. thx for sharing!


Hey y'all!
          I don't know if any of you know this, but KaitlynZeusDaughter (Ariona Grace) is actually my best friend on Wattpad, along with Quora.
          I've been talking to her and was thinking of if anyone would like to volunteer to edit some of my stories (no paying though).
          If any of you are interested please feel free to DM me/comment below!
          Cheers! Y'all have a great day!


Hey guys!
          Thank you all for your support, I know I'm not that active on Wattpad, but I'm glad to see everyone here, all reading my work! I'll try hard to update sooner, and I'll be glad if anyone could share my works around! 
          Thank you, everyone!
          Daria <3