


Marvel has a connection to my hero academia:
          Realization: Marvel Superheros are supernatural and superhuman taking this into consideration Thanos is a intergalactic space God that is true neutral (his theory is that he has to restore balance since there's too many people aliens existing in the same time) Marvel's Infinity War shows the epic battle our beloved Marvel heroes fought and when hope was lost. Marvel released End Game now bringing back the infinity stones was no piece of cake it required time travel which is surprising that they bring this up now considering the amount of time travel that was obvious thought the Marvel Comics retrieving the stones worked and they restored humanity with some sacrifices. 
          Theory: The radiation from Thanos gauntlet that killed half the world with no hope to bring them back is still left over with a these superhumans around who would expect that all this happened through science it did so generation after generation after generation all that radiation built up and those who were exposed were the first people with a "quirk" now in the anime we are way into the future were everyone has quirks but never stopped to ask how. In the magna the first chapter included a synopsis of how pro heroes were recognized through advertisements of Heros we've all come to know Marvel is included