
@Clare-Exe, anytime


You're my best friend I shouldn't have to ask you to lie for me, I shouldn't have to ask your permission for me to put you in my lie! You know why? Because you're my best f-ing friend b#$%^. The day that we sign up and say that we best friends that means my bs is your bs, and your bs is my bs.                                 XDD


@Clare-Exe, I'm ignored and not noticed all the time and I see that as being an opportunity. It gives you time to breath and have some space, or it allows you to freely roam as you must. And when they finally realize your there and realize how open you are to what you love, they will notice they missed a lot that you had to offer.


@Clare-Exe, everyone gets emotional even for little things and I think it's fine, but you need to build up your confidence. Showing that you care and showing that your a strong person is from showing your emotions, so don't ever hold back on what you need or want to say because later, you might regret not saying it.