
Hello Readers,
          	I am changing the update schedule for “Witness to a Love Story”. It will now update biweekly on Wednesdays.
          	Sincerely, Kupyd


Hello Readers,
          Unfortunately, I won’t be able to write anymore chapters for “Witness to a Love Story” for the next three weeks. I need the time to catch up on my college work. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
          Sincerely, Dark Kupyd


Sorry to all my followers and readers of “Witness to a Love Story” for not being so active this month or posting regularly. I’ve just started college and there were some stressing issues with my financial aid. Everything is sorted out now and my life is more or less on track. “Witness to a Love Story” will resume its weekly update on February 7 of this year. Again, I’m sorry to all of you and I know I really let some of you down.