
I was wondering what you guys really think of my writing and stories since I do know that my writing does suck and how can I change it. Please post a comment about this and let me set some rules here.
          	1. No hateful comment. (They will get ignore and deleted)
          	2. It needs to be meaningful and not superficial. 
          	3.  I am up to new ideas for stories and writing, but as along it's within reason and nothing too extreme
          	I will read every comment/suggestion even if there is so little.


I was wondering what you guys really think of my writing and stories since I do know that my writing does suck and how can I change it. Please post a comment about this and let me set some rules here.
          1. No hateful comment. (They will get ignore and deleted)
          2. It needs to be meaningful and not superficial. 
          3.  I am up to new ideas for stories and writing, but as along it's within reason and nothing too extreme
          I will read every comment/suggestion even if there is so little.


You are such a great writer ! Can I be kne of your fans ! Pwease ! I love all your stories especially the Yugioh ones ! They're so Amazing ! Your so talented and you have an amazingly amazing gift ! Can we be friendz ? 
          Nisa-Chan ~ ♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆


@XxDreamStarsStudioxX  Sure we can be friends and thank you for the compliment.  I have no problem of you being one of my fans.