Hello, Mr. Brin :)
Welcome to Wattpad!
It's humbling that I find myself in the presense of someone as esteemed as yourself! It's such an honor!
I think it's great that you will share pieces of your work with the rest of us on this site :)
To bring more credibility to your account, may I make a few suggestions? If you hover the mouse over your User Name in the tool bar, you can click My Profile and then the EDIT button. You can link your other accounts - facebook, web page, twitter, etc to wattpad. This will help ensure that your readers and "fans" can find you and purchase your books as quickly as possible!
I had never seen the movie The Postman. I'd love to hear how you felt when you found out Kevin Costener was directing a movie loosely based on your novel though!
Under the Community tab, you can click Clubs. There is a Club specifically for Published Writers http://www.wattpad.com/club/32-professional-writers to connect with one another. (Others straggle in for advice at times, as well.)
If I can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to REPLY back to this to tag a message to me, Click my Pic to post on my board or Click Send Message on my Message Board to send me a Private Message.