How are the rewrites for TAOBU going?

@kristianabooks I'm on Twitter, barely(I haven't posted since they rebranded as X ) But, I'll probably need to start thinking about getting a social media presence when it comes around to launching my book--if I ever get it finished hahaha) Great to hear, Kristiana. That's all we can do as writers, try to keep learning and improving. It's a never-ending process.

@kristianabooks Davidddd, we need to get you on atleast one social media platform, now that DMs are gone. All good. Playing off WP and learning loads.

@kristianabooks Not too bad, thanks. I've added more chapters, and rewritten about 20% of the existing text to(hopefully) make the narrator more accessible to the reader. I'm still not quite there, yet, but I'm hoping to be able to release it as an e-book in a few months. Thanks so much for getting in touch. How is everything with you?