
After some time away from Wattpad, I recently had the privilege of being interviewed by the Beauty profile. Thanks to some hard-hitting questions from the amazing @kristianabooks what I expected would be an exercise in self-promotion turned out to be one of the most rewarding experiences I've had on the site. So, if 10mins of me venting about social issues that are close to my heart doesn't put you off, you are welcome to check it out here: https://www.wattpad.com/1349794899-beauty-interviews-davideanderson-pride-23%27-the-art/page/4


@DavidEAnderson100 Big plans!! Sounds good, though, glad to hear you're keeping busy :) Best of luck ❤️


@alcoholandcaffeine Thanks!! Though, for how long I don't know. I'm still buried in the Taxi Driver x Gerald's Game psychological thriller that I started 13 months ago.  Still about a month of editing left to do! After that, I think I'll return to Reggie/Ricky/DeShawn& Miley for one more bash before the Wattys.


How are the rewrites for TAOBU going? 


@kristianabooks I'm on Twitter, barely(I haven't posted since they rebranded as X ) But, I'll probably need to start thinking about getting a social media presence when it comes around to launching my book--if I ever get it finished hahaha)
            Great to hear, Kristiana. That's all we can do as writers, try to keep learning and improving. It's a never-ending process.


@kristianabooks Davidddd, we need to get you on atleast one social media platform, now that DMs are gone. 
            All good. Playing off WP and learning loads. 


@kristianabooks Not too bad, thanks. I've added more chapters, and rewritten about 20% of the existing text to(hopefully) make the narrator more accessible to the reader.  I'm still not quite there, yet, but I'm hoping to be able to release it as an e-book in a few months.
            Thanks so much for getting in touch. How is everything with you?


Usually I’m not one to get massively stuck into books, Ive been an avid reader since I was younger so I can pick them up whenever and stay in the same moment. 
          It’s currently 4 in the morning and I haven’t even gotten up to piss while reading The Art of Breathing Underwater, and as someone who doesn’t comment or really do much apart from add books to my reading lists, I just wanted to say how heartbreakingly talented you are. ❤️


@smhsmdlol123 Thanks so much for this message. I've literally been working on TAOBU for the past month doing rewrites and wondering if I`m wasting my time, so this message has been a real boost!! I`m so glad you enjoyed it, and even more glad that you took the time to let me know. Much appreciated ❤️


After some time away from Wattpad, I recently had the privilege of being interviewed by the Beauty profile. Thanks to some hard-hitting questions from the amazing @kristianabooks what I expected would be an exercise in self-promotion turned out to be one of the most rewarding experiences I've had on the site. So, if 10mins of me venting about social issues that are close to my heart doesn't put you off, you are welcome to check it out here: https://www.wattpad.com/1349794899-beauty-interviews-davideanderson-pride-23%27-the-art/page/4


@DavidEAnderson100 Big plans!! Sounds good, though, glad to hear you're keeping busy :) Best of luck ❤️


@alcoholandcaffeine Thanks!! Though, for how long I don't know. I'm still buried in the Taxi Driver x Gerald's Game psychological thriller that I started 13 months ago.  Still about a month of editing left to do! After that, I think I'll return to Reggie/Ricky/DeShawn& Miley for one more bash before the Wattys.


Thank you so much for the follow and the art of breathing under water was a masterpiece  it had a lot of lessons and everything in there is topyou are a star. would like to learn from you as an aspiring writer


@NyalalaniChinga Thank you so much for this message!! Sorry, it has taken so long to reply, but I haven't been on here in a while.


this message may be offensive
Not Aaron’s character development making me cry omg!!! The Art of Bresthing Underwater is an absolute gem. I really hope it gets published. I think it would be an inspiration to those struggling with coming out but that’s just me. But really it was a great story and I learnt a shit ton of things no joke ;). Thank you for this masterpiece ❤️.


You’re totally welcome xx! You need to know that you’re great at what you do. Not me never hearing about The Wire omg :(
            I’ll watch it then get back to you about that :D


@notyawhore Thanks so much for this message: Its really made my day. I'm so glad you liked the book, and am even more grateful that you took the time to tell me. Thanks for all the support!! I absolute love your profile banner btw And your bio, too. Though, I´ll have to argue with you about The Office being the best show of all-time. Gotta be The Wire (Sorry, but the whole cast of The Wire just feel like family) 


thank you so much for the follow, I really appreciate it! I think you have great views and ideas, and i like that you respond to peoples comments and engage with your followers. so anyway, thanks for following me, it really helps!


@echo_cant_fly You´re welcome! I enjoyed your story, especially the final chapter--you pretty much summed up how I feel about life in one perfect poem. Really, I´m the one who should be thanking you for sharing it with us. Thank you!!


Hi from Nigeria I love that story the art of breathing under water I really wish my family would be acceptable about gay I'm one and in the closet, they would stone me to death if ever   I come out....Anyways that was a great story I #Loved it! Thank you


@BhadAndy Always remember you are not alone, although there are times it will feel that way. I won´t lie and say things get better, but we do get better at dealing with it. We are who we are and nobody can take that away from us!!


@DavidEAnderson100 thank you i really needed that


@BhadAndy Thank you so much!! 
            Yeah, I´m still very much in the closet when it comes to extended family. They are from a generation that was brought up believing that being gay is wrong. Their minds are set in stone. It´s a sad state of affairs. But, this coming generation is changing, and at least we can take some comfort in the fact that it should be easier for coming generations of LGBTQ people.
             It can be devastating and exhausting constantly living a double life, having to hide who we really are. The thing is, often the people we love are doing what they believe is right for us because they love us. They believe they are saving our souls. It can be difficult to reconcile with that. Sometimes, all we can do is try and remain positive. And stay strong ❤


Hi! I just added The Art Of Breathing Underwater to my library! I'm excited to read it, it looks really good. I'm growing up learning that gay is wrong too, but outside of my family I do support it. Also, I love the cover :)
          oo, bri


@BrianaJasmine16 Thanks so much for adding my story to your reading list. I greatly appreciate it!! Also, that´s so great to hear. Our parents were raised in a world that taught them that being gay was wrong. It is only in very recent times that attitudes have changed. It is important to remember that parents only do what they think is right for their children. If they were growing up now our parents might have a different attitude. Times change. Peoples attitudes change. 
            Thanks for the support, Bri.


Your book: 'The art of breathing underwater' is AMAZING. Thank you so much for writing and sharing it. I've been in a reading slump for awhile and your book was excellent enough to get me back on my feet, it's just wholesome. Thank you once again. Congrats on winning the wattys! That book is a gem.  


@Victorie5802gal You´re totally welcome ❤


@DavidEAnderson100 You welcome ❤️
            I'm glad I was able to raise your spirits 
            Never doubt yourself again! Your book is amazing, your writing is amazing, you are Amazing! Tyssm once again! 


@Victorie5802gal Wow, you have no idea how much this means to me. I was feeling a bit down about the book tbh, so having you say this has given me a massive lift. Thank you so much for letting me know!! I´m thrilled you connected with the story. ❤