Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I actually knew what was going on. If I could actually be proud of the choices I made, regardless of what happened later. But of course real life isn't like that.
Real life is a mess, just like me. Sometimes, I make decisions, not knowing what will happen, and that takes a risk that I don't enjoy taking.
Sometimes, that risk pays off. Everything works out, and there's no reason to stress over it. God knows I don't need that.
Sometimes things aren't so perfect. I put myself out there, not knowing if I'll be okay. I make myself vulnerable. And it breaks me to know that the fear of this keeps me from so many opportunities that I know I have and don't take.
And sometimes I tear myself apart without even knowing why or having a reason. I let my fear of being broken break me on its own. I cry myself to sleep at night just from wondering what will happen. I go over and over in my head through the "what ifs" of tomorrow and let it drive me insane before snapping myself back to reality.
Nothing has happened.
I have nothing to tear myself apart about.
So why do I feel defeated?
And what have I lost myself to?