
I have read Bound. The next one is supposed to be Hunted. Are you gonna put it on here too?


@ChristopherGreenhaw I'm not the author, but I noticed that he hasn't responded. I saw that book on the ibook store or Amazon.


Why have a larger than life romance story about only vampires,werewolves,faeries,or shape shifters when it can be about all of them. Now that would be epic.


@im_unexplained My Reflections/Dark Reflections books currently have everything but the faeries...but it's also got a few things in there that aren't on your list. :) Epic is exactly what I'm aiming for. :)


Wattpad pls look at this, help me reach ur level


@ButiGMalungana I'm sorry but my current publishing commitments don't leave the kind of time which would be required to read and critique other writers' work. You might try joining Critters ( I found my time there very helpful.
            I didn't get much in the way of useful feedback from the group, but it was very useful to be able to critique other writers' stories and figure out what made them work or not work.
            Best of luck to you!


If you've posted Broken, will its sequel be posted too? I read Broken a few years who but I never got to read its sequel. Awesome covers though! 


@noorasim11 You're most welcome--I likewise very much enjoy talking to my readers--if only that pesky need to write more books would go away. :)
            If you go to and click on the big red button, that will take you to the spot to enter your email address and sign up for my mailing list. You should get a welcome email and the first of the free books within a half hour or so.
            I don't remember which email has the copy of Torn on it, but you should get another email every day or so, and it's definitely not the last email. :)
            All the best,


Jesus you have no idea who amazing it is to have a conversation with an author you look up to. Like, wow. Thanks for this moment, honestly! And how do you sign up for your mailing list? 


@noorasim11 Hi, Noorasim11.
            I'm not planning on posting anything else to Wattpad at this point. You can get Torn for free though by signing up for my mailing list, and Splintered is just $2.99 at Amazon, iBooks, Kobo, Google Play or any of the other online retailers.
            I posted Broken, Bound, Frozen Prospects and The Greater Darkness to Wattpad so that people could try out my writing for free and see if they enjoyed my stories, but getting royalties from all of the people who want to read the subsequent books is how I pay my bills. :)
            I'll pass on your compliment to my cover designer. :)


hey I wanted to read your books but I got confused by the AN below the description. Is there a specific order in which I should read Bound and Broken? 


@DeanMurray Thank you! I will start with Broken and leave comments through the chapters :)


@xxJustGabixx You can read Bound or Broken in any order. If you want something with more action, pick Bound. If you want something with more romance, read Broken first.
            I wrote Broken first and then later came back and wrote an alternate timeline with Bound and the rest of the Dark Reflections books.
            I hope that helps--let me know if you have any more questions.


when is chapter coming out


@Blk-Anthrax Hello! Dark Reflections 2 (titled Hunted) has been out for quite some time, but I won't be posting it to Wattpad. You can buy it at most major ebook retailers--I've got a list of links to Hunted on this page:
            The Dark Reflections series is up to 5 books now, so there's a lot of exciting developments awaiting you! :)