
I have to ask but one thing may sound very offensive but I don't mean it to be. So here it goes... Is the Blue Exorsist good? (The offensive part is here) I'm just not into that kind of anime... But I'd like to give it a try though. I just need someone to tall me about it and if it's good.
          Sorry... I'll let my self out now... *jumps out window*


@bluejaylily oh dont jump out the window! Its ok (for a while i wasnt really into anime either.) Blue exorcist is awesome. Its about a boy who is raised by an exorcist. He finds out that he is the son of satan and goes to this really high class exorcist acadamy. This is his (and his twin's) story of self discovery,  friendship, and demons. Its not that gushy or anything ( i just really suck at summaries) its hilarious and the characters are great.  I would highly recommend this anime. 